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Getting Started

The content and appearance for every Kleaver Site is broken down in to three sections. Once you have familiarised yourself with these three sections then your will be able to create and modify websites in just a few minutes.


The configuration section contains settings that are applied globally across the entire site, such as the font, colour scheme and the appearance of the navbar and footer. If you're familiar with web development then the configuration section broadly corresponds with the <head> section of a traditional webpage, it's where things like your CSS files go.


The showroom is where all your most important pages get created. If you're a mortar business then this might be your FAQs and your "Contact Us" page so that you customers can find your physical location. For digital products and services you can include lead magnets, consultation booking forms and pricing information in the showroom section.


Your portfolio contains timely information about what your business is currently doing. It might be seasonal information based on a recent promotion, a customer success story or a review of a job that you have recently completed.

Click on one of the navigation links to learn more about how each of these sections work.